Field Doctor Meal, mobile
IBS friendly meals, delivered in the UK.
low fodmap
low fodmap
gluten free
gluten free
dairy free
dairy free
plant diversity
plant diversity
fibre source
fibre source
low fodmap
low fodmap
gluten free
gluten free
dairy free
dairy free
plant diversity
plant diversity
fibre source
fibre source
low fodmap
low fodmap
gluten free
gluten free
dairy free
dairy free
plant diversity
plant diversity
fibre source
fibre source

high in nutrients, low in FODMAPs.

approved by The IBS Network.

award-winning, chef-made frozen meals.

recommended by doctors.

UPF free, whole food ingredients.

delivered directly to your door.

ready to eat in minutes.

Great taste award winning teriyaki salmon

effective IBS management.

3/4 IBS sufferers feel better
when following the low
FODMAP diet.

"Field Doctor meals have transformed my IBS.  

It's so much better and for the first time in years I am eating a well balanced and nutritious diet."

Sue on Trustpilot

personalise your plan.

finally, low FODMAP
meals designed to feed
your health.

selected from 25+ meals designed to help eliminate FODMAPs from your diet and support managing IBS symptoms.

low fodmap
low fodmap
gluten free
gluten free
dairy free
dairy free
plant diversity
plant diversity
fibre source
fibre source

what are FODMAPs?

FODMAPs can trigger
IBS symptoms.

Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols (FODMAPs) are a group of fermentable carbohydrates which are poorly absorbed in the small intestine.
All our low FODMAP meals have been certified by the experts at Monash University, developers of the Low FODMAP Diet.

Low FODMAP Teriyaki Salmon Monash Certified

diagnosed with IBS?

see if our FODMAP
elimination programme
is right for you.

It's written by our FODMAP trained dietitian Laura, to help you learn if FODMAPs are a trigger for your symptoms.

weekly programme.
weekly programme.
low FODMAP meals.
low FODMAP meals.
tools to track your symptoms.
tools to track your symptoms.
see if it's right for me

why field doctor?

we make looking after
your health effortless.

meals rooted in science.

dietitian-designed with simple, validated science, from £6.99/meal.

personalised for your health.

plans designed just for you and your needs.

ready in minutes.

your meals arrive frozen. just pop in the oven or microwave, no prep and no fuss.

pause or skip any time.

reminders and easy to use account mean you're in control.

Pea Risotto Box

99% of customers say looking after their health is easier.

don't just listen to us.

see what others are saying.

*rated the UK's best healthy ready meal by The Telegraph

not sure where to start?

Take 30 seconds to answer some questions and we'll find your personalised meal plan suited to your personal health goals.

personalise my menu
