Weight loss doesn't have to be the goal
In the past, I’ve delivered weight management services which had weight loss at the heart. I’ve worked alongside other healthcare professionals in specialist NHS services, to support people on a journey to better health through weight loss. It has never been simply about offering dietary advice; we have to look at the interplay between the body and the mind, and underlying beliefs that are driving, often destructive, unhelpful behaviours towards our bodies.
However, I’ve never felt permission until recently, to say actually, weight loss doesn’t have to, and shouldn’t always be the goal of treatment.
Extensive clinical trials, often write in the small print about the levels of weight gain that followed for the majority of participants, but somehow we still give ourselves permission to ignore this bit.
Two dietitians, Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch certainly acknowledge this, in their model for Intuitive Eating, which has gained traction and research over the years.