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September Reset: Why It’s The Ideal Opportunity To See A Dietitian

HCPC Registered Dietitian Mei Wan explores why this month is a great time for change

Could September Be Time To Reset?


With the recent heat waves now replaced with cooler temperatures, for most of the UK, it is the start of a new academic year and the end of the summer holidays.


According to research, September is an opportune time to reflect on what has gone well and what might still need more work. It may almost feel as though it is the New Year again with the feeling of "new beginnings" in the air. 


When in holiday mode, our daily habits have been put on pause so we can feel out of balance, but it can also give us a big boost of motivation to get back on track with healthy habits. 


  • Have you been eating out a lot lately? 
  • Do your clothes feel a bit more snug than usual? 
  • Have you enjoyed more alcohol than normally? 
  • Are you feeling a bit sluggish? 
  • Have you been less active or has your sleep pattern changed? 

If you have answered yes to any of the above questions, it is completely normal to feel this way after having some time off! This is why it can help to see a Registered Dietitian to get you back on track. 


How can a Registered Dietitian help me? 


  • Increases your confidence with dietary choices that support your health goals 
  • Supportive, non-judgmental and science backed advice that is tailored to your specific needs 
  • Improves your awareness of lifestyle choices, for example with stress and sleep management 
  • How to overcome setbacks and regain control
  • Helps with chronic conditions that require specific dietary plans 
  • Assists with your personal accountability
  • A safe space for you to have self-care and me-time when you are juggling life’s responsibilities 

At Field Doctor, we will soon be launching a Book A Dietitian service to help you on your health journey. We have 5 consultations (worth £89) with a Registered Dietitian to give away to 5 of our lucky customers. 


Mei Wan BSc (Hons), RD, MBDA

HCPC Registered Dietitian & Nutritionist

IG: @dietitian.mei
